The Tahitian Pearl

There are many legends as to where pearls come from. Some say they spring from a drop of rain or dew, others tell how they are conceived in the mind of a mythical creature, and yet others assert that they are the tears of either Adam, Eve, angels or nymphs. I don’t know which one I prefer.

As far as I’m concerned, the gift that the God Oro gave to Polynesia is most certainly the mother-of-pearl. The black-lipped oyster is a veritable treasure, an oyster that sets itself apart from all others, with its dark black body that gives its range of infinite colours in order to create the prettiest pearls on earth…

The colours range from the darkest black to clear gray to greenish-pink or gold. The Tahitian Pearl remains rare and unique. We cultivated and selected the most beautiful ones for you…

Thierry Bernicot, pearl cultivator-designer

Official classification

Extract from the official journal Act No. 98-62APF


First graft pearls: 6 years of work since spat collection
Second graft pearls: 8 years
Third graft pearls: 10 years


Round & Semi-round pearl
2-5% diameter variation

Semi-baroque pearl
drop, oval, and button

Baroque pearl
irregular shape

Circle or ringed pearl
regular rings over more than 1/3 of the surface area


Il existe une variété infinie de couleurs naturelles







Gris pigeon


Gris lune

Gris oriental


Quality A
Flawless pearl or with less than 10% surface imperfections.
High lustre.

Quality B
Pearl with less than 1/3 surface imperfections.
High to medium lustre..

Quality C
Pearl with less than 2/3 surface imperfections.
Medium lustre.

Quality D
Pearl with more than 2/3 surface imperfections.
No lustre.

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